Jayhawk Blueprint Enrollment Forms

Student walking up steps towards Fraser Hall

Students interested in completing a Jayhawk Blueprint course must complete either the non-degree seeking student application through the KU Admissions Office OR the Jayhawk Blueprint sign-up form by the enrollment deadline, which is AUGUST 29th for the Fall 2024 semester. Students must complete an enrollment form or application each semester they take a Jayhawk Blueprint course. See below to determine which document you are required to complete (students should only complete one form/application each semester). 

  • If you completed a Jayhawk Blueprint course in the previous semester (ie, Spring 2024), you will need to complete a brief online sign-up form.
  • If you did not take a Jayhawk Blueprint course last semester (ie, Spring 2024) or you have never taken a Jayhawk Blueprint course, you will need to complete the FREE non-degree seeking student application through the KU Admissions Office. Please follow the detailed instructions below to ensure you avoid any application fees
  • In order to receive college/KU credit for your Fall 2024 Jayhawk Blueprint courses, you must submit the required enrollment form or application by AUGUST 29th.

Jayhawk Blueprint Sign-Up Form Instructions

Complete the Jayhawk Blueprint sign-up form if you took a Blueprint course last semester (i.e., Spring 2024). This includes students who took MATH 101 and/or BIOL 100/102 during the 2023-2024 school year. If you did NOT take a Jayhawk Blueprint course last semester (or ever), complete the non-degree seeking student application (see below for detailed instructions).

  • After you enroll in Jayhawk Blueprint courses at your high school, you will need to fill out the sign-up form by the enrollment deadline, which is AUGUST 29th for the fall 2024 semester. (You do NOT need to also complete the non-degree seeking student application). 
  • When prompted to enter your email address, provide both your school email and a non-school email that you check regularly. 
  • Select all courses you wish to enroll in for the fall 2024 semester.
  • Enter your parent/guardian information.
  • Carefully read the Student Consent Agreement, sign your name at the bottom of the page, and click "Next" to submit the form.
  • This form must be completed each semester you take a Jayhawk Blueprint course.


KU Non-Degree Seeking Student Application Instructions

Complete this FREE application if you did NOT take a Jayhawk Blueprint course last semester (Spring 2024) or have never taken a Jayhawk Blueprint course. As a Jayhawk Blueprint student, you will NOT need to pay the $40 application fee. Please follow the detailed instructions below to avoid any application fees.  Completion of this form requires student and parent/guardian signatures. 

  1. After you enroll in Jayhawk Blueprint courses at your high school, you will need to complete the non-degree seeking student application by the enrollment deadline, which is AUGUST 29th for the fall 2024 semester. (You do NOT need to also complete the Jayhawk Blueprint sign-up form). 
  2. Go to the non-degree seeking student application and complete the entire form, including the student and guardian signatures. Note: You can save your progress and return to finish it later.
  3. Select whether you are a returning or first-time user, as appropriate, and follow the directions.
  4. When asked to enter your email address, we highly recommend you do NOT enter your school email address, as KU emails are often blocked by that service; enter your personal email address--one you will check often.
  5. In the “Your Plans” section, be sure to select the following responses:
    • What semester do you plan to enter KU?: “Fall 2024”.
    • Are you going to be in high school during the term you are applying?: “Yes”
    • Are you attending Lawrence High School, Free State High School, or Shawnee Mission South High School?: “Yes”
    • Are you applying to the KU Blueprint program?: “Yes”
    • Are you planning on participating in any of the following year-long grant language programs?: “Not participating”
  6. Make sure to complete all questions and submit. *Please note this application requires both a student and parent/guardian signature.